Parishioners are invited and encouraged to have their children baptized at St. Paul Catholic Church. The Diocese of Sacramento requires that parents and Godparents must participate in the baptismal preparation program prior to the baptism being scheduled.
Parents must contact the Parish office at 916-381-5200 to register for the baptismal preparation program and should be prepared to provide the office with information regarding the Godparents. The Parish staff will provide information regarding the baptism, schedule the preparation class and the following baptism ceremony, and provide a baptismal candle.
The following information is provided for your convenience in planning this most important Sacrament of your child's life. Please remember that you must be pre-registered by the office for the class and the baptism.
The English baptism preparation program classes are held once a month, usually on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Currently the classes are held in-person in the Religious Education Center Room #8 at 6:30 PM. Spanish baptism preparation classes are held on the last Saturday of each month in the Religious Education Center (REC) Room #8 at 3:45 PM.
English Baptism Rite are usually held on the 4th Saturday at 10:00 am in the church. The Parish office will provide you with your scheduled date and time and where it’ll be held at. Please arrive by 9:30 a.m. to register and be escorted to your seating assignments.
Spanish Baptism Rite is usually held on the first Saturday at 10:00 AM in the church.
FORMS: (links for downloading/printing) (enlaces para descargar / imprimir)
Baptismal Registration Form
Sponsor/Godparent Eligibility Form for Baptism and Confirmation
Online/Electronic Application: Baptism
Formulario de Registro Bautismal
Forma de Elegibilidad de Padrinos Para Los Sacramentos de Bautismo Y Confirmación
Solicitud en línea / electrónica: Bautismo