Old Business
Shirley’s Retirement
Ja’net reported that Shirley decided not to have a retirement party. Shirley advised that it’s been too long since her retirement. Proposal was to have a Mass and small luncheon for her. Phil suggested we present her a gift card and plaque in lieu of retirement party. Ja’net will make one more attempt to contact Shirley to present her the gift and plaque. We did make a concerted effort to arrange a retirement ceremony and party for Shirley. Because of COVID-19 and the hot weather the retirement party was post- poned to a later date.
Livestream Camera Project
Father Joyle presented a report that shows donations of $6,892.00 and expenses of $4,297.76. The remaining balance of $2,594.24 will be used to purchase a new laptop that will be dedicated to operating the livestream cameras and equipment. The current desktop computer being used must be brought over from the Parish Office for all the masses each weekend.
The desktop computer from the office does provide the computing power needed to operate the livestream cameras and equipment efficiently. Yet we need a new computer that will be only dedicated for livestreaming. In addition, the funds will be used to purchase a new projector for the hall. The current projector is unable to project the necessary brightness/lumens for a clearer video.
Ja’net inquired about using the new livestream equipment for virtual funer- al services via ZOOM. Father Joyle stated that we are using OBS and YouTube for livestreaming funeral masses.
CFF and RCIA Report:
Sister Beth was excused. She provided Father Joyle a copy of the CFF Comparative Report, Catechetical Year 2020-2021. Father shared it with the council. There are 127 English students and 78 Spanish students enrolled this year. The total includes: 6 RCIA adults, 14 RCIA Second Years students, and 9 RCIA First Year students. There is a significant drop in enrollment compared to 2019-2020 (220 English and 198 Spanish). The decrease is attributed to COVID-19.
New Business
Indoor Masses
Father Joyle reported in the past two weeks that parishioners seemed con- fused about the Communion guidelines established for COVID-19. He reminded parishioners about following the guidelines. Father suggested Anita Fong must hold a meeting with the Hospitality Ministers to review the procedures. Father will ask Dale to coordinate with Anita on holding a hands-on training session on the COVID-19 guidelines.
Mass of Remembrance
Ja’net suggested presenting each family with a candle this year at the Mass of Remembrance then hold the reception in November 2021. The reception is important for families to share their feelings about losing a loved one. Father Joyle suggests dividing the 38 families into four groups. We will hold a Mass of Remembrance at each of the weekend masses in November. Ask each family to select a Mass to attend. A candle will be given to each family for the candle lighting ceremony. The parish will send the families a letter regarding the Mass of Remembrance ceremony. The banner of the deceased will be on the sanctuary during the month of November.
Redesigning the Parish Website
Father Joyle states eCatholic, our current webhosting provider, is offering a promo of $250.00 to redesign our home page. Father Joyle shared some graphics of sample home pages. He asked for inputs to help him select a design. Due date is October 31, 2020. The council approved the purchase of the special offer.
Other Matters
David Rangel has concerns about the temperature scanners because others can hear the results, i.e., alarm goes off when threshold is ex- ceeded. According to him, that is very alarming. Father says he will make announcement to parishioners to wait two minutes then rescan if they would get a red-light result. He will ask Dale to disable the sound alarm of the temperature scanners.